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Training Program “Mình!”: Discover for Personal Growth

In February 2023, Emakase held the training class "Mình!" for those who are still grappling with the burning questions about self. "Mình!" delves into each individual, fostering participants to listen to their inner voices.


In February 2023, Emakase held the training class "Mình!" for those who are still grappling with the burning questions about self. "Mình!" delves into each individual, fostering participants to listen to their inner voices. Grounded in Neuro-Semantics as the training philosophy, "Mình!" offers a personalized experience and creates a safe space for learners to navigate their communication practicing experience during the class.

After the remarkable 'Mình!' training session, the Emakase team is filled with immense gratitude. We cherish the trust, support, and commitment you have shown on this journey of self-discovery. And we deeply believe that the time spent together, though just one day, provided valuable moments for reflection, deeper self-understanding, and thoughtful decisions.

We now invite you to join us as we listen to the experiences of three participants from the 'Mình!' training session: Ms. Hang Tran, Mr. Dang Nguyen, and Ms Dung Truong. It is a chance not only for the Emakase team but for all who are intrigued by the practice of self-discovery and want to enhance their communication skills. It’s an opportunity to learn from each other’s stories and draw lessons that enrich our personal and professional lives.

Link to the Video: Here

We extend our sincere thanks once again to our three participants who have warmly shared their time and insights with us. We are constantly inspired by the fresh perspectives and contributions that you all bring to our training sessions, which motivate us to keep on improving and enriching our future sessions.

#Emakase #Mình #Training #vietnam #innovation #startup